Super Bilingual Encyclopaedia for Kids with An Interactive Smart Pen 趣威文化点读双语认知百科
Two volumes of illustrated encyclopaedia in English and Chinese for children to learn a total of 1400 everyday words organised in 37 engaging themes. With the support of a speaker pen in the shape of a dim sum bun, children can touch and listen the pronunciation of each word in either English or Mandarin Chinese. In addition, there are 100 contextual conversations, interactive questions and answers, rhymes, sound effects and a list of frequently used vocabularies. It allows child-led learning and can also build quality parent-child time.
This is a perfect education toy that involves no screen time but highly stimulates children’s learning motivation. The superb quality and design make it the top brand of early education toy in China. I am proud to present this product to you as the authorised sole distributer of Quway in the UK. Most importantly my own child has been learning with this set for a while and we have both gained a lot from it. My child can play with it independently as she gets attracted by the graphic and sounds. It buys me time to cook or to reply emails when needed. Certainty we both enjoyed exploring the themes in both volumes and as my child grows from one stage to another, we can build topics into more abstract level. Language learning can never be so easy, healthy and fun.