Chinese Classical Poetry 经典唐诗有声书Sound Book
Age: 1 year+(with parent supervision) Language: Mandarin with phonetics Brand: Quway Material: eco-friendly ABS plastic Printed with soy ink Power: 2 AAA batteries |
With a collection of 48 ancient yet popular Chinese classical poems, this sound book is a must-have for children who learn Chinese. Each poem is illustrated with simplified Chinese characters (plus phonics) and a recital recording can be played by tapping a numbered button on the panel. The poems can be played on repeat or in order.
Chinese classical poetry is said to be a jewel in the treasure house of Chinese culture. The best part is that these ancient poems were composed to be chanted or sung, with or without musical accompaniment. This is why I find my own child and other children can easily mimic and remember a piece of poem in a very short time. The benefit to children of being able to recite these poems is that they gain great confidence in their achievement and impressing an audience normally encourages enough confidence in them that they want to learn more. Eventually their pronunciation can be improved to a new level in ease. Certainly, not forgetting the purity and beauty of poetry is a valuable part of the culture for children to learn.